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“As scientists, we are concerned to build a simulacrum of the phenomenal universe in words. That is, our product is to be a verbal transform of the phenomena. It is necessary, therefore, to examine rather carefully the rules of this trans-formation and the differences in coding between natural phenomena, message phenomena, and words.”

- Gregory Bateson, 1968 -

Selected Publications



Gerhardinger, L. C. et al. Networked media and information ocean literacy: a transformative approach for UN ocean decade. doi:10.1038/s44183-023-00038-2



Gerhardinger, L. C. et al. Challenging the Blue Economy: Voices from Artisanal Fishing Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean. Development (2023) doi:10.1057/s41301-023-00366-3


Gerhardinger, L. C. et al. Bridging Shades of Blue: Co-constructing Knowledge with the International Panel for Ocean Sustainability. Coast. Manage. 51, 244–264 (2023)



Gaill, Françoise, Tanya Brodie Rudolph, Lara Lebleu, Denis Allemand, Robert Blasiak, William W. L. Cheung, Joachim Claudet, Leopoldo C. Gerhardinger et al. 2022. “An Evolution towards Scientific Consensus for a Sustainable Ocean Future.” Npj Ocean Sustainability.


Gerhardinger, L. C., Holzkämper, E.; Andrade, M. M. de, Corrêa, M. R., & Turra, A. 2022. Envisioning ocean governability transformations through network-based marine spatial planning. Maritime Studies. Springer. 




Gonçalves, L.R; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Polette, M.; Turra, A. 2021. An endless endeavor: The evolution and challenges of multi-level coastal governance in the global south. Sustainability (Switzerland) 13.


Satterthwaite, E. V., Bax, N. J., Miloslavich, P., Ratnarajah, L., Canonico, G., Dunn, D., Simmons, S. E., Carini, R. J., Evans, K., Allain, V., Appeltans, W., Batten, S., Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Bernard, A. T. F., Bristol, S., Benson, A., Buttigieg, P. L., Gerhardinger, L. C. & others (2021). Establishing the Foundation for the Global Observing System for Marine Life. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. 


Gerhardinger, L.C., Ribaric, A., Gimenez, B.G., Garrido, C.h., Prado, D.S., Mendonça, E.S., Araos, F., Pera, G.S., Narváez, G.N, Figueroa, I., Anbleyth-Evans, J., Saavedra-Díaz, L.M., Reis, N.B.L., Stortti, M.A., Rodrigues, L.M, Wojciechowski, M.J., Satizábal, P., Abel, R.A., de Campos, R.P., Velásquez-Mendoza, Y. 2021. Baffling Shades of Blue. Samudra Report N85 (May 2021). 

Costa, Julliet C.; Schiavetti, Mariana B.M.P.; Scherer, Marinez E.G.; Telles, Daniel H. Q.; Gerhardinger, Leopoldo; Da Silveira, Isabelle; Bossolani, Adayse; Takara, Naomy C. (2021). Knowledge Production for Marine Spatial Planning in a Brazilian Inclusive Governance Context. Costas: Revista Iberoamericana de Manejo Costero Integrado, v.6, p.407 - 426, 2021.


Gerhardinger, L C; Herbst, DF, CARVALHO, FG de, Freitas, RR;  Vila-Nova, D.; Cunha, S., Jussara, MC., Pfuetzenreuter, A., Haak, L. (2021). Diagnóstico socioambiental do Ecossistema Babitonga. REVISTA CEPSUL: BIODIVERSIDADE E CONSERVAÇÃO MARINHA, v. 10, p. e2021002.


Gerhardinger, L. C., Andrade, M. M. de, Corrêa, M. R., & Turra, A. (2020). Crafting a sustainability transition experiment for the Brazilian blue economy. Marine Policy, 120(July).

Gerhardinger, L. C.; Herbst, D. F.; Cunha, S.; Costa, M. D. P. 2020. Diagnóstico da Ictiofauna do Ecossistema Babitonga. Revista Cepsul: Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha. , v.9, p.1/2020001 - 35, 2020.

Herbst, D. F., Gerhardinger, L. C., Vila-Nova, D. A., de Carvalho, F. G., & Hanazaki, N. (2020). Integrated and deliberative multidimensional assessment of a subtropical coastal-marine ecosystem (Babitonga bay, Brazil). Ocean and Coastal Management, 196(May), 105279.

Herbst, D. F., Gerhardinger, L. C., & Hanazaki, N. (2020). Linking User-Perception Diversity on Ecosystems Services to the Inception of Coastal Governance Regime Transformation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7(February), 1–15.

Dalton, K., Skrobe, M., Bell, H., Kantner, B., Berndtson, D., Gerhardinger, L. C., & Christie, P. (2020). Marine-Related Learning Networks: Shifting the Paradigm Toward Collaborative Ocean Governance. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7(November), 1–16.

Bayliss-brown, G., Gerhardinger, L. C., & Starger, C. (2020). Networked Knowledge to Action in Support of Ocean Sustainability Networked Knowledge to Action in Support of Ocean. Coastal Management, 48(4), 235–237.


Mills, Morena, Rafael A. Magris, Mariana M. P. B. Fuentes, Roberta Bonaldo, Dannieli F. Herbst, Monique C. S. Lima, Isabela K. G. Kerber, Leopoldo C. Gerhardinger, Rodrigo L. de Moura, Camila Domit, João B. Teixeira, Hudson T. Pinheiro, Gabriel Vianna, and Rodrigo Rodrigues de Freitas. 2020. “Opportunities to Close the Gap between Science and Practice for Marine Protected Areas in Brazil.” Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation.

Bayliss-brown, G., Gerhardinger, L.C., Starger, C. 2020. Networked Knowledge to Action in Support of Ocean Sustainability Networked Knowledge to Action in Support of Ocean. Coastal Management 48. Taylor & Francis: 235–237.


Herbst., D.F.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Hanazaki, N. 2020. Linking User-Perception Diversity on Ecosystems Services to the Inception of Coastal Governance Regime Transformation. Front. Mar. Sci., 25 February 2020 | 


Jørgensen, P.S., Evoh, C.J., Gerhardinger, L.C., Hughes, A.C., Langendijk, G.S., Moersberger, H., Pocklington, J., Mukherjee, N., 2019. Building urgent intergenerational bridges: assessing early career researcher integration in global sustainability initiatives. Curr. Opin. Environ. Sustain. 39, 153–159.


Gerhardinger, L.C., Quesada, M.S., Gonçalves, L.R., Turra, A., 2019. Unveiling the genesis of a marine spatial planning arena in Brazil. Ocean Coast. Manag. 179, 104825.   


Rainho, A.P. ; França, L. ; Spolti, D. ; Gerhardinger, L. C. . Kickoff Time: Fishers from the Amazon region discussed challenges in the light of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines. SAMUDRA REPORT, v. 81, p. 33, 2019. download


Gerhardinger, L.C.; de Carvalho, F.G.; Haak, L., Herbst, D.F.; Poderoso, R. A. 2018. Planning Blues: Tenure rights fade under unjust 'blue planning'. Samudra Reports, January 2018, N78, p.42. Available at: 


Gerhardinger L.C.; Gorris, P.; Gonçalves L.R.; Herbst D.F.; Vila-Nova D.A.; De Carvalho F.G.; Glaser M.; Zondervan R.; Glavovic B.C. 2018. Healing Brazil's Blue Amazon: The role of knowledge networks in nurturing cross-scale transformations at the frontlines of ocean sustainability. Frontiers in Marine Science. v4, article 395, doi: 0.3389/fmars.2017.00395. Available at:    



Gerhardinger, L. C.; Mesquita, B.; Mattos, S.M.G. de; Mendonça, J.T.; Vila-Nova, D.; Bossolani, A.; Scherer, R. 2017. Small Scale Fisheries in Brazil: A Strong, Cohesive Voice. SAMUDRA REPORT, v. 76, p. 39-44.


Zapelini, C.; Giglio, V.J.; Carvalho, R.C.; Bender, M.G.; Gerhardinger, L.C.. 2017. Assessing Fishing Experts' Knowledge to Improve Conservation Strategies for an Endangered Grouper in the Southwestern Atlantic. Journal of Ethnobiology, v. 37, p. 478-493.



Ternes, M.L.F.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Schiavetti, A. 2016. Seahorses in focus: local ecological knowledge of seahorse-watching operators in a tropical estuary. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine , v. 12, p. 52.


Giglio, V.J.; Luiz, O.J.; Reis, M.S.; Gerhardinger, L.C. 2016. Memories of sawfish fisheries in a southwestern Atlantic estuary. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, v. 36, p. 28, 2016.



Gerhardinger, L.C; de Castro, F.; Seixas, C.S. (2015) Scaling-up small-scale fisheries governability through Marine Protected Areas in Southern Brazil. In: Governing the Governance of Small-Scale Fisheries (Eds: Jentoft, S.; Chuenpagdee, R.). Springer Verlag, Amsterdam.


Gorris, P.; Glaser, M.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Ferreira, B.P. 2015. Exploring strengths and weaknesses of regional marine protected area governance using a network approach: A case study from north-eastern Brazil. In: Philipp Gorris. (Org.). Entangled? Linking governance systems for regional-scale coral reef management: Analysis of case studies in Brazil and Indonesia. 1ed.: IRC-Library, Information Resource Center der Jacobs University Bremen, 2015, v. 1, p. 195-227.



Pinheiro, H T. ; Di Dario, F.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; De Melo, M.R.S.; De Moura, R.L.; Reis, R.E.; Vieira, F.; Zuaznon, J.; Rocha, L.A. 2015. Brazilian aquatic biodiversity in peril. Science (New York, N.Y.), v. 350, p. 1043-1044.


Giglio, V.J.; Luiz-Junior, O.; Gerhardinger, L.C. (2015). Depletion of marine megafauna and shifting baselines among artisanal fishers in eastern Brazil. Animal Conservation, doi:10.1111/acv.12178.



Rodrigues, R.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Chamy, P.; Seixas, C.S. (2015). Governança dos oceanos na Rio+20: o debate sobre áreas marinhas protegidas na perspectiva da gestão compartilhada [Ocean governance at Rio+20: the debate on marine protected areas from a collaborative management perspective]. In: Governança Ambiental no Brasil: Entre o Socioambientalismo e a Economia Verde [Environmental Governance in Brazil: Between the Social-environmentalism and the Green Economy] (Eds: de Castro, F.; Futemma, C.). Campinas.



Gerhardinger, L.C.; Martins, G.C.; Moreira, A.P.T.; Curti, C.; Seixas, Cristiana. S. (2014). Socioecological resilience at Céu do Patriarca Ecovillage - South Brazil. Part II (Emerging Ecocultures), Chapter 8. In: (Bohm, S.; Pervez, Z.; Pretty, J.) Ecocultures: Blueprints for Sustainable Communities. Earthscan, Routledge. University of Essex, 295pp.


Gerhardinger, L.C; Gonçalves, L.; Motta, F.S.; Schneider, S.; Carvalho, F.G.; Vila-Nova, D. (2014). Setting and Implementing a Programmatic Agenda for Coastal-Marine Networks in Brazil. In:(Eds: McConney, P., Medeiros, R.P., Pena, M. (2014)) Enhancing Stewardship in Small-Scale Fisheries: Practices and Perspectives. CERMES Technical Report No. 73 Special Edition.


Giglio, V.J.; Alves, J.A.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Carvalho, F.C; Daros, F.A; Bertoncini, A.A. (2014). Habitat use and abundance of goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara (Lichtenstein, 1822) (Perciformes: Serranidae) in Brazil: a participative survey. Neotropical Ichthyology, 12(4):803-810, doi:10.1590/1982-0224-(2013)0166


Gerhardinger, L.C. & Herbst, D.F. 2014. Book Review: Centering Animals in Latin American History (Eds. Few, M; Tortorici, Z.). European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 91:141-168


Gerhardinger, L.C.; Andrade, J.; Aziz, J.; Gandini, F.; Gonzaga, N.; Lianza, S.; Mesquita, B.; Raseira, M.; Schärer, R. Mendonça, J.T. (2014). Building a national network in support of artisanal fisheries in Brazil. Presented at the 2nd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress. Merida, Mexico, 21-26 September 2014.


Muller, M.N.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; de Lamboy, C.; Ummus, R. 2014. A call for a continued Future Ocean Dialogue – From Science to Society. Workshop white-paper, Oceanographic Institute – University of São Paulo (November/2014).



Gerhardinger, L.C.; Carvalho, F.G. (2013). Crise no sistema de governança costeira-marinha catarinense: reflexões sobre o licenciamento ambiental e o papel dos cientistas [Crisis in Santa Catarina state coastal-marine governance: reflections about environmental licensing and the role of scientists]. Reconstruindo paisagens: desafios  sócio-espaciais para  a Grande Florianópolis [Rebuilding landscapes: social-spatial challenges for the Florianópolis metropolitan area]. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. 405pg


Zondervan, R.; Gerhardinger, L.C.; Noronha, I.T.; Spalding, M.; Young, O. (2013). Ocean Governance in the Anthropocene. Global Change, v. October, p.24


Macedo, H.; Vivacqua, M.; Castro-Lima, H; Gerhardinger, L.C. (2013). Governing wide coastal-marine protected territories: a governance analysis of the Baleia Franca Environmental Protection Area in South Brazil. Marine Policy, 41:118-125




Gerhardinger, L.C.; Godoy, E.A.S.; Jones, P.J.S.; Sales, G.; Ferreira, B.P. (2011). Marine Protected Dramas: The Flaws of the Brazilian National System of Marine Protected Areas. Environmental Management, 47:630–643.


Gerhardinger LC, Inui R, Matarezi J, Hansen C, and Vivacqua M. (2011). Pirajubaé Marine Extractive Reserve – governance analysis. Pages 194- 205 in PJS Jones, W Qiu and EM De Santo (Eds) Governing Marine Protected Areas: getting the balance right – Volume 2. Technical Report to Marine & Coastal Ecosystems Branch, UNEP, Nairobi.


Gerhardinger, L.C.; Borgonha, M.; Bertoncini, A.A (Org.). (2011). Memórias do Mar: Biodiversidade, Conservação e Cultura no Litoral Brasileiro [Sea Memories: Biodiversity, Conservation and Culture in the Brazilian Littoral]. Ecomares.

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